Our Impact


The original deed restrictions below are found in the title reports of all St. Leonard’s properties. While many of the original restrictions have since become obsolete and replaced by more modern zoning requirements as part of the Ventnor City master plan, the deed restrictions have protected the nature of St. Leonard’s being a single family neighborhood with large lots for over 90 years.

This Indenture, made the first day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two, between the parties subscribing hereto, and such other persons who shall execute a similar indenture, bearing even date herewith, who shall be construed to be parties to this agreement:

WITNESSETH, that in consideration of the mutual benefit to be derived by each from the other, and the further consideration of one dollar ($1.00), from each to the other in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do severally covenant, grant and agree with one another, and each other, that on the lands held by each of the subscribers hereto, and the lauds held by such other persons “who shall subscribe to similar indentures bearing even date herewith, situate in the City of Ventnor City, County of Atlantic and State of New Jersey, and within the boundaries as follows:

On the east by the center line of Surrey Avenue, on the north by Inside Thoroughfare and the center line of Winchester Avenue, on the west by the center line of Cambridge Avenue, and on the south by High Water Mark of the Atlantic Ocean.

That no building or any part thereof, erected on any part of the said lands, shall be used as a slaughter house, bone boiling establishment, piggery, or other purpose which may create a public or private nuisance.

That not more than one building, excepting private garage, shall be erected upon a single lot as mapped on the plan and supplemental plan of lots of the St. Leonards’ Land Company, on file in the office of the Clerk of the County of Atlantic, at May’s Landing, New Jersey, nor shall any one who shall own more than one lot which may be contiguous, erect more than one building except as aforesaid, on any single lot as planned.

That no building shall be erected upon any part of the said lands except for cottage resident purposes and private garages incident thereto, over which may be built living quarters, not to exceed one story in height, for occupancy only by household servants.

That no building erected on said land or any part thereof may be used, for any purpose other than cottage resident purposes and private garages incident thereto.
That the foundation of all buildings shall be not more than seven feet above the established grade of Ventnor City.

That no building erected upon any part of said lands shall be used as a sanitorium, sanitarium, hospital, home for cripples, home for the infirm, home for the old aged, establishment for mental defectives, tuberculosis, hotel, inn, boarding-house, public or private, or other public or quasi-public institution.

That no building shall be erected nearer the front property line of any avenue than twenty feet, nor nearer than five feet of the side lines of lots; provided that where a party may own two or more contiguous lots, then a building may be erected on any part of said lots without regard to the intervening side lines, provided the same is not within the said distance of the outside line of said contiguous lots, and provided further that bay windows on the front of said building may extend two feet beyond the main body of the building.

That all garages shall be erected on the rear of the lot or lots contained within said boundaries and at least five feet from the adjoining side line thereof, it being understood and agreed that for all purposes, corner lots on Atlantic and Ventnor Avenues have two fronts, provided that no garage on a corner lot shall be erected nearer street line than thirty feet, and provided, however, that these restrictions relating to location of garages shall not apply to corner lots located on the south side of Atlantic Avenue, in which cases garages may be built within twenty feet of street.

The eaves of houses and garages shall not be construed to be included within the foregoing covenants.

Porches extending not nearer than eight feet to the front property line shall not be construed to be within the foregoing covenants.

Any party to this agreement, his heirs, successors or assigns, shall be entitled to institute and prosecute proceedings in equity against any person or persons violating or threatening to violate said restrictions, the object of said restrictions and covenants being to secure the health, beauty, ornamentation and value of the land comprised within said boundaries.

These restrictions shall not abrogate any or all restrictions existing against the said lands as heretofore restricted by the St. Leonards’ Land Company, but are in addition thereto.

That in case of the removal or destruction of any building or part of a building now erected in violation of the foregoing covenants and conditions, or any of them, said lands shall be subject to the covenants and conditions here mentioned, and any new building or part thereof, shall not be erected or used in violation thereof.

It is expressly understood and agreed that the foregoing covenants and conditions are accepted and agreed to by the parties subscribing to these or said similar instruments, and shall bind their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns.

That said covenants and restrictions shall attach to and run with the land.
These restrictions shall apply to all by whom they may be executed, be the same natural persons or bodies corporate.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parties hereto, being natural persons, have hereunto set their hands and seals, and the bodies corporate have caused these presents to be sealed with their corporate seals, signed and attested by their duly authorized officers, the day and year hereinabove first written.

Historic Homes & Interesting Facts

St. Leonard’s Tract is an historic jewel. Amazingly, in the nine decade sInce the Tract was established, the unique architecture and feel remain largely untouched. Its community spirit and pride are untarnished.

The earliest homes in St. Leonard’s Tract were buillt around 1906 as part of “The Ventnor Plan”. Many were built in the 1920’s by Atlantic City hotel operator Emmanuel Katz. Mr. Katz was an entrepreneur with a colorful history. During prohibition he was called the “Jersey Rum Runner” and went to jail in 1921, being the owner of 152 cases of Scotch whisky, believed to have been part of the British auxiliary schooner, Pocomoke. (New York Times, published July 30, 1921)

We are fortunate that many of the original homes can till be seen today.

This Spanish Colonial masterpiece on the corner of Atlantic and Dorset Avenues shares a rich history with the pioneers of the Jersey Shore. Designed by Vivian Smith, who designed the Ocean City Music Pier, The Flanders Hotel, the Ocean City and Ventnor City Halls. It has a grand foyer with a magnificent oak staircase inlaid with Italian marble, a green barrel tiled roof, a gas fireplace with Italian marble baseboard and porcelain logs imported from Belgium.


Charles Lindbergh stayed at this home on the corner of Ventnor and Derby Avenues following a story about the possible whereabouts of his kidnapped son near Atlantic City, which unfortunately turned out to be a false lead.

This lovely Queen Anne style home is located at Atlantic and Oxford Avenues. Its style is similar to the home owned by Rodman Wanamaker, son of John Wanamaker, Philadelphia department store mogul, which was located in the Wanamaker tract. The Wanamaker tract consisted of ten lots on Atlantic from Dudley to Dorset Avenues.

In 1964 this elegant white French Provincial home at the corner of Cornwall and Atlantic Avenues entertained President Lyndon B. Johnson and Vice President-elect, Hubert Humphrey during the Democratic Convention which was held at Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City. Perle Mesta, a well known socialite and United States Ambassador to Luxembourg hosted the party. She was renown for her lavish parties featuring the brightest stars of Washington, D.C., society, including artists, entertainers and many top-level national political figures. She was a personal friend of Rose Kennedy. Many high profile Democrats attended the convention in Atlantic City.

17 S. Derby was built by a sea captain named John Palmer. He married the great-granddaughter of Francis Scott Key, who penned the Star Spangled Banner. The rear yard of the house still has the original carriage house, dated 1888, with horse stalls. Inside still contains the original hay and oat bins and salt blocks. The current house on this property was built in 1912. Anna Key Palmer died in this home when she was 93. No ghost sightings to date.

This beachfront home was built in 1910. Irving Berlin, one of America’s most prolific composers entertained friends by playing a baby grand in the living room. Irving Berlin composed 1,500 songs including “God Bless America”. More recently, actors Joe Piscopo and Danny Devito filmed “Wise Guys” here.

11 N. Derby, known as “Derby Hall”, was built in 1907 and hosted the Ventnor Motor Boat Club as their clubhouse where racing boats built in Ventnor would compete on Inside Thorofare. This was a popular event that attracted racing enthusiasts from as far away as Ocean City and Cape May. During prohibition, the house also served a rumrunner drop and the secret entrance for rum smuggling still exists. The house remains an exquisite example of St. Leonard’s Tract’s past and is often the venue for charity and social events.

The longest continuous member of St. Leonard’s is Maxine Stonehill, whose home was built in 1906. It is located on the corner of Winchester and Dorset Avenues.

Governor Walter Edge had a home at Oxford and the Beach, which was rented to Irving Berlin at the time of the Lindbergh kidnapping because Irving Berlin felt his daughters would be safer in the Atlantic City area.

Former Florida U.S. Senator George Smathers, the close friend of the late President John F. Kennedy, grew up in a home here.

Former Governor Walter E. Edge also made his home at Oxford Avenue and the beach.

St. Leonard’s Tract is an historic jewel. Amazingly, in the nine decade sInce the Tract was established, the unique architecture and feel remain largely untouched. Its community spirit and pride are untarnished.

The earliest homes in St. Leonard’s Tract were buillt around 1906 as part of “The Ventnor Plan”. Many were built in the 1920’s by Atlantic City hotel operator Emmanuel Katz. Mr. Katz was an entrepreneur with a colorful history. During prohibition he was called the “Jersey Rum Runner” and went to jail in 1921, being the owner of 152 cases of Scotch whisky, believed to have been part of the British auxiliary schooner, Pocomoke. (New York Times, published July 30, 1921)

We are fortunate that many of the original homes can till be seen today.


This Spanish Colonial masterpiece on the corner of Atlantic and Dorset Avenues shares a rich history with the pioneers of the Jersey Shore. Designed by Vivian Smith, who designed the Ocean City Music Pier, The Flanders Hotel, the Ocean City and Ventnor City Halls. It has a grand foyer with a magnificent oak staircase inlaid with Italian marble, a green barrel tiled roof, a gas fireplace with Italian marble baseboard and porcelain logs imported from Belgium.


 Charles Lindbergh stayed at this home on the corner of Ventnor and Derby Avenues following a story about the possible whereabouts of his kidnapped son near Atlantic City, which unfortunately turned out to be a false lead.


This lovely Queen Anne style home is located at Atlantic and Oxford Avenues. Its style is similar to the home owned by Rodman Wanamaker, son of John Wanamaker, Philadelphia department store mogul, which was located in the Wanamaker tract. The Wanamaker tract consisted of ten lots on Atlantic from Dudley to Dorset Avenues.


 In 1964 this elegant white French Provincial home at the corner of Cornwall and Atlantic Avenues entertained President Lyndon B. Johnson and Vice President-elect, Hubert Humphrey during the Democratic Convention which was held at Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City. Perle Mesta, a well known socialite and United States Ambassador to Luxembourg hosted the party. She was renown for her lavish parties featuring the brightest stars of Washington, D.C., society, including artists, entertainers and many top-level national political figures. She was a personal friend of Rose Kennedy. Many high profile Democrats attended the convention in Atlantic City.


 17 S. Derby was built by a sea captain named John Palmer. He married the great-granddaughter of Francis Scott Key, who penned the Star Spangled Banner. The rear yard of the house still has the original carriage house, dated 1888, with horse stalls. Inside still contains the original hay and oat bins and salt blocks. The current house on this property was built in 1912. Anna Key Palmer died in this home when she was 93. No ghost sightings to date.


This beachfront home was built in 1910. Irving Berlin, one of America’s most prolific composers entertained friends by playing a baby grand in the living room. Irving Berlin composed 1,500 songs including “God Bless America”. More recently, actors Joe Piscopo and Danny Devito filmed “Wise Guys” here.


11 N. Derby, known as “Derby Hall”, was built in 1907 and hosted the Ventnor Motor Boat Club as their clubhouse where racing boats built in Ventnor would compete on Inside Thorofare. This was a popular event that attracted racing enthusiasts from as far away as Ocean City and Cape May. During prohibition, the house also served a rumrunner drop and the secret entrance for rum smuggling still exists. The house remains an exquisite example of St. Leonard’s Tract’s past and is often the venue for charity and social events.


The longest continuous member of St. Leonard’s is Maxine Stonehill, whose home was built in 1906. It is located on the corner of Winchester and Dorset Avenues. 

Governor Walter Edge had a home at Oxford and the Beach, which was rented to Irving Berlin at the time of the Lindbergh kidnapping because Irving Berlin felt his daughters would be safer in the Atlantic City area.

Former Florida U.S. Senator George Smathers, the close friend of the late President John F. Kennedy, grew up in a home here.

Former Governor Walter E. Edge also made his home at Oxford Avenue and the beach.

D’Amato Home

St. Leonard’s Tract has the home of famed Atlantic City “500 Club” owner Paul “Skinny” D’Amato. This was the playhouse for Skinny and the “Rat Pack” of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr., Peter Lawford and Joey Bishop during the heyday of the 500 Club era. Features the autographed cement walkway of 30 top entertainers from the time.